29 November 2009

No Title

After Ied's praying, Sunda Kelapa Nov 27th

07 September 2009


peserta lomba yang telah ikut berpartisipasi dalam acara ADIRA FERRARI HERITAGE PHOTO CONTEST yang diklaim MURI sebagai acara dengan fotografer terbanyak

Kemeriahan selama 2 hari ini juga diresmikannya sebagai event "PEMOTRETAN DENGAN FOTOGRAFER TERBANYAK" langsung oleh bapak Jaya Suprana, dari MURI

dengan total model 42 model dan 30 mobil Ferrari yang dari berbagai seri serta 1401 fotografer hadir dalam acara ini selama 2 hari yang bertempat
di Pacific Place, Jakarta

foto terbaik kedua, berhak atas hadiah Televisi 21 inch TCL
Ferrari: triangle composition , Rus Mulyadi


My picture won second place, Thanks God
After that I give away the TV to my grandma, She needed it, the old one broken :)

11 August 2009

23 July 2009

Smiling lamb

Just came back from Dieng

22 June 2009


God's Masterpiece

18 June 2009

Suzuki Photo Challenge – “Discover More..” The New Grand Vitara with Black & White Spots

Great news in http://inifotoku.com/artikel/read/000271

Thanks God for his blessing

I won second place in one shoot one kill - all about white
and Favorite photo first place (the photo above/all about black)

the challenge is to shoot only one picture for black on black and one picture for white on white
the room is so dark, no lighting, windows all covered, cannot use tripod or monopod
you have 2 minute to execute

2. One Shoot One Kill - All About White

- Tantangan : Objek New Grand Vitara Putih dengan Model berkulit putih, memakai kostum berwarna Putih di spot foto serba Putih
- Peserta memakai Kamera Digital / DSLR & tidak diperkenankan menggunakan flash internal maupun eksternal
- Peserta diberikan waktu 2 menit untuk melakukan 1 kali pengambilan foto
- Di spot ini setiap peserta wajib & hanya mengumpulkan 1 foto ke panitia di lokasi lomba

4. Foto favorit Khusus untuk point 1 & 2 - One Shoot One Kill (gabungan)

11 June 2009


22 April 2009

Compton Close

Compton Close, London

sore throat and cough for last few days

17 April 2009

Night train

Romantic night at Paris

Paris is the capital and the country's largest city of France
The city of Paris, within its limits largely unchanged since 1860

12 April 2009

He has risen

Happy Easter!
more about Easter: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easter

10 April 2009

Election Day

Indonesian Election day, there are 44 political party and you only choose 1 party
Oh, my... and hundred of legislatives candidate but only choose 1 too :)

These confuse a lot of people

09 April 2009

West gate of Forbidden City

The Forbidden City is surrounded by a 7.9 metres (26 ft) high city wall.

06 April 2009

Rice Field

Traditional rice field in West Lampung

24 March 2009

Water Dance

Water is the most abundant liquid on the planet, covering approximately 70% of the earth's surface. Coincidentally or not, we are mostly water - human bodies are 50 to 75% water. Pure water is tasteless, odorless and colorless, although it does have a blue tinge in large volumes. The familiar chemical symbol H2O means that water molecules are composed of 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom.

A Symbol Of Purification

"but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst; the water that I shall give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to Eternal life" (John 4:14 RSV)

more in : http://www.keyway.ca/htm2000/20000425.htm

22 February 2009

Dream World

Dream World - Men Went to bed with the dream but when they woke up find the reality.

01 January 2009

Fireworks 2009

Thank GOD for His Blessing for the past years