22 October 2008


Yawning is associated with tiredness, stress, overwork, lack of stimulation, or boredom

I'll keep shooting no matter what

"Pain is temporary, Pride is forever"

21 October 2008

Beijing 2008

A month before Olympic game - Beijing 2008

if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all

this timeless lesson passed down to us by our mothers, fathers, grandparents, and kindergarten teachers

16 October 2008

Sri Mariamman Temple

The Sri Mariamman Temple is Singapore's oldest Hindu temple, 2007

in·con·sid·er·ate (in′kən sidər it)
  1. Now Rare insufficiently considered; ill-advised
  2. without thought or consideration for others; thoughtless; heedless
Listen to the radio and googling i found this:

Ada suatu penelitian terhadap ciri-ciri suatu bangsa. Ada yang gentlemen (Inggris), menghargai waktu (Jerman), disiplin (Jepang -- kalau tidak salah), dll ... Tiba giliran orang Indonesia, ciri yang menonjol adalah : INCONSIDERATE. Artinya, tidak peduli terhadap kepentingan orang lain. Wow ? Kok jauh terbalik ya dengan doktrin para guru, orang tua teman, penatar P4 waktu aku masih sekolah ? Katanya bangsa Indonesia adalah bangsa yang ramah, santun, gotong-royong, tolong-menolong ? (lanjut ke link source di bawah ini)

source: http://provokasi-prass.blogspot.com/2007/10/considerate.html

08 October 2008

chou yan/smoking

busy and sick for last few month :(
hunting with Richard, Beijing 2004
Powershot G1, 1st camera digital